Our R&D team continually develops new products to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Research & Development

Innovative Solutions at Eflani Flour

At Eflani Flour Mills, quality and innovation are at the forefront of our R&D efforts. We prioritize developing solutions that not only meet today’s needs but also anticipate tomorrow’s demands. Our continuous product development aims to enhance customer satisfaction and exceed industry standards.

Our R&D Projects:

High-Protein Flour Development

High-Protein Flour Development

Gluten Level Optimization

Gluten Level Optimization

New Product Development

New Product Development

High-Protein Flour Development

Developing flour with higher protein content to meet diverse baking needs.


Increase product variety by using different grains.

Develop products aligned with healthy eating trends.

Produce flour with higher protein content while preserving the nutritional value of whole grains.


Enhanced nutritional value of products and increased consumer satisfaction.

Introduction of whole grain flour products to the market.

Gluten Level Optimization

Optimizing gluten levels for better baking performance.


Develop various gluten-free flour types.

Provide safe products for individuals with celiac disease.

Produce gluten-free flours with high performance in recipes.


Market introduction of diverse gluten-free flours.

Gluten-free flours delivering high performance and excellent taste.

New Product Development

Creating innovative flour varieties enriched with vitamins and minerals.


Add vitamins and minerals to flour products.

Offer healthy and nutritious products.

Develop products for various age groups and dietary needs.


Market introduction of enriched flour products.

Positive reception from diverse consumer groups.